
The incredible and amazing Mr. Flying WoodThe incredible and amazing Mr. Flying Wood

The incredible and amazing Mr. Flying Wood

la suau dansa del faigla suau dansa del faig

la suau dansa del faig

giant’s feet / els peus del gegantgiant’s feet / els peus del gegant

giant’s feet / els peus del gegant

Fageda de la GrevolosaFageda de la Grevolosa

Fageda de la Grevolosa

Autumn’s structures / estructures de la tardorAutumn’s structures / estructures de la tardor

Autumn’s structures / estructures de la tardor

Autumn fire / Foc de tardorAutumn fire / Foc de tardor

Autumn fire / Foc de tardor

els bufadors de bevíels bufadors de beví

els bufadors de beví

family / famíliafamily / família

family / família

the last wood / el bosc del pinatellthe last wood / el bosc del pinatell

the last wood / el bosc del pinatell

Blackwood - IIIBlackwood - III

Blackwood – III

Blackwood - IIBlackwood - II

Blackwood – II

a mist that does not let us see the forest / una boira que no ens deixa veure el bosca mist that does not let us see the forest / una boira que no ens deixa veure el bosc

a mist that does not let us see the forest / una boira que no ens deixa veure el bosc

into the woodsinto the woods

into the woods

Moon at evening / Lluna de capvespreMoon at evening / Lluna de capvespre

Moon at evening / Lluna de capvespre

on fog / emboiradaon fog / emboirada

on fog / emboirada

z-2010-04abril-17a-021-d.jpgSpring for a spring

Spring for a spring

Winter for a winterWinter for a winter

Winter for a winter

Qualche parte in Italia…Qualche parte in Italia…

Qualche parte in Italia…

L’arribada de la primaveraL’arribada de la primavera

L’arribada de la primavera

Encara que tot faci pendent sempre s’hi poden trobar camins planersEncara que tot faci pendent sempre s’hi poden trobar camins planers

Encara que tot faci pendent sempre s’hi poden trobar camins planers

The blizzard / El torbThe blizzard / El torb

The blizzard / El torb

Solitude during the stormSolitude during the storm

Solitude during the storm



amb la neu ens arriba l’hivernamb la neu ens arriba l’hivern

amb la neu ens arriba l’hivern





a walk into the wooda walk into the wood

a walk into the wood

Camí per tornar a anar.Camí per tornar a anar.

Camí per tornar a anar.

L’arribada de la primaveraL’arribada de la primavera

L’arribada de la primavera

branches / branquesbranches / branques

branches / branques

family / la parelleta i la canallafamily / la parelleta i la canalla

family / la parelleta i la canalla



some wood, some watersome wood, some water

some wood, some water…

The duck / L’ànecThe duck / L’ànec

The duck / L’ànec

dins o fora?dins o fora?

dins o fora?

fish on a treefish on a tree

fish on a tree


parella a l’hivern

the refuge / el refugithe refuge / el refugi

the refuge / el refugi

To see the wood, and can’t see the trees for the fogTo see the wood, and can’t see the trees for the fog

To see the wood, and can’t see the trees for the fog



lost in a lost woodlost in a lost wood / perdut en un bosc perdut

lost in a lost wood / perdut en un bosc perdut

sometimes the time runs, sometimes not.sometimes the time runs, sometimes not.

sometimes the time runs, sometimes not.

a way between fog and treesa way between fog and trees

a way between fog and trees / un camí entre arbres i boira

loneliness in a crowdIII - loneliness in a crowd

III – loneliness in a crowd

II - solitude in pairsolitude in pair

II – solitude in pair


I – loneliness

you’re the only oneyou’re the only one

you are the only one

far away from homeFar away from home

Far away from home

day's last light - darrera llum del dia - ultima luz del diaday’s last light

day’s last light / darrera llum del dia / ultima luz del dia

Pinotxo / PinocchioPinotxo / Pinocchio

Pinotxo / Pinocchio

Forgotten Times / Temps oblidatsForgotten Times / Temps oblidats

Forgotten Times / Temps oblidats

tree at moonlight / a la llum de la llunatree at moonlight / a la llum de la lluna

tree at moonlight / a la llum de la lluna

V - the valleyV - the valley

V – the valley

Dubtes raonablesDubtes raonables

Dubtes raonables

un camíUn camí / A way / Un camino

El camí

Arteries and veinsArteries and veins

Arteries and veins

Shadows on the wood / Ombres al boscShadows on the wood / Ombres al bosc

Shadows on the wood / Ombres al bosc

ombra de tardor / autumn’s shadowombra de tardor / autumn’s shadow

ombra de tardor / autumn’s shadow

The tree and the lightThe tree and the light

The tree and the light

Be free!Be free!

be free!

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